International women day -celebrated by the Center for Gender Equity and Equality in collaboration with District Secretariat- Kilinochchi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and Jaffna social Action Centre (JSAC).
International Women’s Day is a spell to replicate progress made, call for change, and reveal acts of bravery and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their, communities, villages, and countries. International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world each year on the 8th of March to recognize the economic, political, and social achievements of women and to empower all women. In this regard acknowledging the contributions of local women is essential to realize true equality and respect in our homes, our workplaces, and our villages.
The Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna has a strong background with a solid policy framework to guide the university in integrating Gender Equity and Equality (GEE) and is dedicated to promoting harmony, collaboration, and mutual respect among opposite gender in the university in all the spheres. It was established under the directives of the University of Grants Commission (UGC) and the preview of the UGC Standing Committee on Gender Equity/Equality in Higher Education. CGEE of UOJ engages in safeguarding a favourable, working, and learning environment that exists for academic and non-academic staff, and the students at the University. It is dedicated to working for equity and equality through a variety of programmes at the University of Jaffna. CGEE has participated in many community-level gender-based programmes in the past years. This year CGEE initiated a concept to celebrate international women’s day 2022 in a village, where women are not recognized even though they have been contributing to the community.
This concept was submitted to UNHCR for funding, UNHCR accepted the concept note and agreed to fund via JSAC. Initially, it was initiated to celebrate the women’s day in a village ‘Ambal Nagar’, Karaichchi DS division, then due to the request of the Government Agent of the Kilinochchi district, it was made as a district celebration.
International women’s day was celebrated on the 8 th of March 2022 at the training Centre of District Secretariat Kilinochchi. Vice-chancellor, University of Jaffna Prof.S.Srisatkunarajah was the chief guest and Mrs R.Keetheeshwaran was the special guest of this event. Director, Members of the CGEE, University of Jaffna, Staff of the District Secretariat, Killinochchi, women development officers, Community Based organizations, JSAC representatives, UNHCR representatives, and the public participated in this event. The selected women who struggled, faced life challenges, succeeded, and contributed to the social and economic development of their village were appreciated and recognized via the ‘successful women award’ 2022.
Community-based organizations and Divisional Secretariat had identified 18 women and they were awarded as successful women. Prizes for the women contest winners who participated and won the first three places in Art, Poetry writing, Karam, Thachchy, the musical chair held on 4th of March, coordinated by JSAC and DS, Killinochhci were given on the same day. At the international women’s day celebration, there was an exhibition of products made by the women entrepreneurs of the Kilinochchi district. There was much positive feedback from the participants, award winners and the public. They have appreciated the collaborative event jointly hosted by the university, non-government organizations and government secretariat killinchhci. Around 150 people participated in this event they were catered with lunch and refreshments, and women staged cultural programmes on this celebration.
CGEE, the university of Jaffna acknowledges the funding partners and the implementation partners to reach its goal of community engagement as a platform for uplifting women’s lives via appreciation and the recognition of the successful hard work of women who have contributed to their respective villages. CGEE has planned to work continuously at the selected villages or GS divisions of the Kilinochchi District to implement gender mainstreaming activities such as 1. Women empowerment programmes for the refugee returnees 2. Business training for the women to uplift their livelihoods 3. School education programmes on SGBV: intervention for prevention 4. Motivational talks with adults to remove domestic violence.
For more Photos (click this link http://www.jfn.ac.lk/index.php/gallery/womens-day-celebrations/)