Centre for Gender equity and equality organized the event and invited all the members and staff to the global campaign to end the violence against women, girls, and the earth through artistic uprising on 14th of February 2023 at 2.00 pm at the Library auditorium, University of Jaffna.
As part of this campaign, there are some competitions were organized by the CGEE in order to promote the artistic uprising to end the violence against women, girls, and the earth. Students and staff who are from the faculties of Arts, Science, and Management participated in this competition and won the place especially in poetry, singing, drawing, and essay writing.
On that event day, the Vice-chancellor of the University was invited as a celebrity guest. The CGEE director, chairman of the working committee, CGEE members, academic and academic support staff of the university, Library staff, students, and the public participated in the program. Staff from the faculty of Arts performed a poem on the title of the uprising in Tamil, English, and French. Students who are from different faculties performed the theme songs, and poems. Especially students from the faculty of Arts well performed the kaviyarangam the title of Violence against women moderated by Mrs. S. Arabi visiting lecturer, ELTC, University of Jaffna. Finally, the vice chancellor issued the certificate to the winners and addressed the event with felicitation.
As a part of this uprising to end the violence against the earth, a tree plantation was held at the university. Vice-chancellor, CGEE Director, CGEE members, staff, and students were gathered at the planting tree together near the library of the University. The event was very successful and ended up with a vote of thanks.