CGEE has organised a women’s day celebration on the 14th of March 2023 in collaboration with the District Secretariat, Mannar, United Nations Development Programme, and OfERR Ceylon in Mannar District. Prof.S.Srisatkunarajah, Vice-chancellor University of Jaffa was invited as Chief Guest at this event. District Secretariate Mannar, Mrs A. Stanly D Mel Chaired this event. Ms.K.T.Thevarajah, Zonal Director, Mannar, Mrs.A.K.Volentine, Zonal director Maddu, Dr.Nishanthini Nadarajah, Director, District Hospital Mannar, were invited as Special Guest to this event. Mr.M.Sriskanthakumar, DS Nannaddan, Mr.M.Piratheep, DS Manthai West, Mr.K.P. Nishakaran , Ds.Mddu , and Mr.S.Rajeev DS Musali were invited as Distinctive Guests. Mr.Masanat Jesuthas Roche, Secretary, Urban Council, Mannar, Mrs.M.L.Selvarajah Guroosh, Secretary Provincial Council, Mannar, Mr.I. Sarvanantha , Project Coordinator CDLC, UNDP, and Mr.S.Sutharshini Project Manager, OfERR Ceylon were invited as Guest of Honours to this event. 20 senior women citizens recognised as social entrepreneurs who contributed to the social and economic development of the district have been appreciated with 10,000 rupees cash vouchers. 20 women who have been identified as successful women in the year 2023, were appreciated and honoured with valuable Trophies. Prize winners of the school level competitions on drawings, poems and short articles were appreciated with certificates and cash vouchers. Cultural events such as welcome dances, drama, and songs were performed by the staff of the DS Mannar and other the Public. CGEE members, GA office staff, UNDP and OfERR staff and the public participated in this event.