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CGEE resource pool contributed to ‘she leads’ programme

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In the endeavour to cultivate a secure and inclusive academic environment, the She Leads Program launched an impactful awareness initiative at the University of Jaffna (UoJ). The program employed a dynamic approach, utilizing a deliberately organized compelling awareness program to raise awareness about sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The International Foundation for Electoral System (IFES) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave unwavering support and financial contributions played a pivotal role in the successful execution of our awareness program.

The pinnacle of this initiative was the She Leads Program’s Awareness Event held on December 8th, 2023, at the Library mini auditorium, UoJ. 10 students from each faculty at the University of Jaffna actively participated in the program, ensuring a broad representation and engagement across various academic disciplines. The event boasted a carefully curated guest list, thoughtfully representing diverse facets of the university community. This selected group played a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity, facilitating informed discussions, and collectively addressing issues related to sexual and gender-based violence within the university.

Collaborative efforts from esteemed individuals from the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE) enriched the program as resource persons are Dr. (Mrs.) Dilogini Sangarathas (Chairperson of the Research and Education Committee, CGEE), Mrs. Thasika Thanushan (Chairperson of the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, CGEE), Dr. Karunaithas Rasaratnam (Chairperson of the Grievance Committee, CGEE) and Mr. Thileepan Thiraviyanathan (Coordinator of the GEE Cell, Faculty of Arts, UoJ).


Final presentation by the Students of ‘Women’s Studies’

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The success of the Certificate Course in Women’s Studies is the impactful platform it has created for participants. The student presentations held on December 16th, 2023, covering a diverse range of topics related to gender issues, signify the depth and breadth of the knowledge gained during the course. The course’s objective to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to advocate for gender equality and contribute to societal betterment is reflected in the students’ presentations. By addressing various issues related to women and girls in society and proposing solutions, participants have demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact.

The inclusion of panel members; Prof. (Ms.) S. Shanmugathas (Director/CGEE, UoJ), Prof. R. Vijayakumaran (Director/Staff Development Centre, University of Jaffna) and Dr. (Ms.) In evaluating students’ presentations, D.Sangarathas (Senior Lecturer, UoJ/ Field Coordinator(Part-Time)/TAF Project) adds a valuable dimension to the assessment process. Their expertise in the field would undoubtedly contribute to providing insightful comments and suggestions for improving the student’s final extended essay submission.


Inaugural session – Women’s Studies

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On August 5, 2023, the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE) in collaboration with the Staff Development Centre (SDC) at the University of Jaffna and the Women’s Education and Research Centre in Colombo officially launched a certificate course in Women’s Studies. This course aims to enhance understanding and awareness of gender issues, promoting equity and empowerment among participants.

TOT -Learning to Iive with Diversity

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Centre for Gender Equity /Equality organized its 17th TOT session at the University of Jaffna. Learning to live with diversity is a course to be taught to the staff and students in all public universities in Sri Lanka. This TOT is the second phase of the Study on ragging and SGBV in the higher education system. Prof.Hemamali Gunathilake Director CGEE, UGC  , and Dr.Pirapha Manurathne Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya contributed as resources persons 53 academic staff participate in this session held on 28th of July 2023 at the physics mini auditorium

UN’s Resident Representative visits to CGEE

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UN Resident Representative Azusakubotavisited the University of Jaffna on 13th of July 2023 and met the Vice-chancellor, CGEE committee. She discussed the future work of UN in collaboration with Jaffna University. She discussed with the student representatives from all faculties of the University. She was honored with the paintings, which were selected as the best among the pool of drawings collected for the drawing exhibition conducted by CGEE in collaboration with UNDP.

Networking the Donors and women in need’-Phase 2

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In this programme CGEE team has linked the Donors and the women who need help to continue, start, empower their livelihoods, and fulfil their ambitions in fine Arts. CGEE team believes that supporting women in need is the social responsibility of the Centre as the unit of the social institution.  Empowering women is a key to recovering and escaping from Gender-based violence, because domestic violence as the form of SGBV, directly and indirectly, influences gender equity and equality in universities as well as communities.

The event networking the Donors and women in need was celebrated on the 8th of June 2023 at the District Secretariat Kilinochchi. Vice chancellor Prof.S.Srissartkunarajah GA Kilinochchi, women development officers, Women federation members, CGEE members participated in this event.  The event started with the Vice chancellor’s remarks.  8 donors, their representatives, and 6bwomen in need, CGEE members, other invitees participated in this event. CGEE member a welcome song was sung by, the visually and physically disabled woman Ms Vinothini who received the donation at the phase 1 programme.  Donors handed over their donations valued amount 600,000Rs to women through the Vice-chancellor. Appreciation certificates to the donators were issued.

Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE) signed MOU with Women’s Education and Research Centre (WERC)

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Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna signed an MOU with Women’s Education and Research Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 16th of May 2023. The purpose of this agreement is to offer a certificate course in gender studies in tamale medium. This course will be offered through the collaboration between the Staff development Centre and the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality. Asia Foundation will take part as the financial sponsor for this course ‘certificate course in gender Studies’

School level awareness program on Sexual and Gender based violence (SGBV) and Drug abuse

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The awareness program of Sexual and Gender-based violence (SGBV) and drug abuse was
organised by the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE), University of Jaffna, in
collaboration with the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) at the Conference Hall
of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, on 27th of March 2023. There were 12 teachers
and 37 students from 13 schools in the Jaffna education zone participated in the awareness
The program was conducted as two sessions from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm. In session I, from 9.00 am
to 12.00 pm, awareness of drug abuse was explained to the audience through role plays and lecture
sessions based on the module. Mrs. Luxmi Kamalarupan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Jaffna, and Dr. Thayalini Thiyakaraja, Director,
Centre for Holistic Healing, Jaffna, participated as the resource persons. During session II, from
12.30 pm to 3.30 pm, awareness about SGBV was carried out as interactive sessions with small
group activities according to the module. Dr. (Mrs.) D. Sangarathas, Senior Lecturer, Department
of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, and Mrs. T.
Thanushan, Lecturer, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management
Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, enrolled as the resource person for this session.
Overall, the awareness program was appreciated by most of the participants. Particularly, students
participated with more enthusiasm in role-play and small group activities. Students said they
understood the danger of drug usage and SGBV and further stated that it was fruitful. Most of the
teachers commented that these kinds of programs need to be continuously organised at the school
level, and they agreed to support the implementation of phase II of this program at their schools.

International Women’s Day Celebration in Mannar District

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CGEE has organised a women’s day celebration on the 14th of March 2023 in collaboration with the District Secretariat, Mannar, United Nations Development Programme, and OfERR Ceylon in Mannar District. Prof.S.Srisatkunarajah, Vice-chancellor University of Jaffa was invited as Chief Guest at this event. District Secretariate Mannar, Mrs A. Stanly D Mel Chaired this event. Ms.K.T.Thevarajah, Zonal Director, Mannar, Mrs.A.K.Volentine, Zonal director Maddu, Dr.Nishanthini Nadarajah, Director, District Hospital Mannar, were invited as Special Guest to this event. Mr.M.Sriskanthakumar, DS Nannaddan, Mr.M.Piratheep, DS Manthai West, Mr.K.P. Nishakaran , Ds.Mddu , and Mr.S.Rajeev DS Musali were invited as Distinctive Guests. Mr.Masanat Jesuthas Roche, Secretary, Urban Council, Mannar, Mrs.M.L.Selvarajah Guroosh, Secretary Provincial Council, Mannar, Mr.I. Sarvanantha , Project Coordinator CDLC, UNDP, and Mr.S.Sutharshini Project Manager, OfERR Ceylon were invited as Guest of Honours to this event. 20 senior women citizens recognised as social entrepreneurs who contributed to the social and economic development of the district have been appreciated with 10,000 rupees cash vouchers. 20 women who have been identified as successful women in the year 2023, were appreciated and honoured with valuable Trophies.  Prize winners of the school level competitions on drawings, poems and short articles were appreciated with certificates and cash vouchers. Cultural events such as welcome dances, drama, and songs were performed by the staff of the DS Mannar and other the Public. CGEE members, GA office staff, UNDP and OfERR staff and the public participated in this event.