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Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna conducted a Drawing competition among Sri Lankan Artists on the main theme’ Gendered impact of the Economic crisis of Sri Lanka’, and the fifteen sub-themes as Violence during the crisis, Food shortages, and poverty, Transportation difficulties, Increased unemployment, Education, Health and Nutrition, Gender Equity and Equality, Agriculture, and Home Gardening, Foreign currency deficiency and Local governance.  CGEE termed for drawings from September 2022. It received 1925 Drawings in six categories. There were 12 evaluators as drawing experts assessed these drawings.  All submitted drawings were exhibited for three days from the 24th to the 26th at the Library Auditorium from 9 am to 6 pm. There were many school students, staff and the public observed this exhibition within these two days.

The awarding ceremony was held on the 27th of February 2023 at the library auditorium from 2 pm to 4 pm. Prof.S.Sristkunarajah, Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna, and Mr. Jude Walton  Project Manager UNDP, JSAC coordinator Mr.N.Sukirtharaj, and Prof. Shivany Shanmugathas  Director, GEE awarded prizes and certificates.  Awards were given to the best 50 drawings selected among the 1925 drawings. The ten best drawings which were selected to display at the local government offices were awarded as the top 10 drawings. Prize winners in the six categories of Primary (Grades 1-5), Junior Secondary, (Grades 6-10) Senior Secondary (Grades 11-13), Students over 18, Staff, and the Public were awarded Trophies. Prize winners from many schools in different districts participated in this awarding ceremony. The team of members from Valluvar Educational Development Forum, Delmar Middle Division, Halgranoya was appreciated for their dedicated participation in motivating the public to involve in this drawing exhibition. 12 evaluators and the co-partners UNDP and JSAC were also appreciated by the Vice-Chancellor for their continuous support during this drawing exhibition. Mrs.Vinothini, a visually challenged woman, and her team performed cultural programmes to embellish this awarding ceremony.  CGEE would like to thank its Vice Chancellor, UNDP, JSAC, CGEE members, university members, schools, CBOs, NGOs, Parents, and Children, who contributed to making this event very successful.



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Centre for Gender equity and equality organized the event and invited all the members and staff to the global campaign to end the violence against women, girls, and the earth through artistic uprising on 14th of February 2023 at 2.00 pm at the Library auditorium, University of Jaffna.

As part of this campaign, there are some competitions were organized by the CGEE in order to promote the artistic uprising to end the violence against women, girls, and the earth. Students and staff who are from the faculties of Arts, Science, and Management participated in this competition and won the place especially in poetry, singing, drawing, and essay writing.

On that event day, the Vice-chancellor of the University was invited as a celebrity guest. The CGEE director, chairman of the working committee, CGEE members, academic and academic support staff of the university, Library staff, students, and the public participated in the program. Staff from the faculty of Arts performed a poem on the title of the uprising in Tamil, English, and French. Students who are from different faculties performed the theme songs, and poems. Especially students from the faculty of Arts well performed the kaviyarangam the title of Violence against women moderated by Mrs. S. Arabi visiting lecturer, ELTC, University of Jaffna. Finally, the vice chancellor issued the certificate to the winners and addressed the event with felicitation.

As a part of this uprising to end the violence against the earth, a tree plantation was held at the university. Vice-chancellor, CGEE Director, CGEE members, staff, and students were gathered at the planting tree together near the library of the University. The event was very successful and ended up with a vote of thanks.

workshop on drawing evaluation

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CGEE has organized a  workshop on 3rd of February to evaluate the 1925 drawings received for the competition. at this workshop, the prize winners are recognized by the 12 evaluators.

An awareness session on cancer prevention and treatment

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CGEE has organized an awareness session on Prevention, and Treatment for Breast, Cervical & Oral Cancer on the 19th of January 2023 at the Library Auditorium at 2 pm.  Dr.Santhosh Rajan Packiaraj, Dr. Arockia Mary Savarimuthu, Ms Jumani Kuttalanathan were the resource persons from Penn Nalam & Aan Nalam ,Unit of Dhanvantri Trust,  Men and Women wellness Centre, Dedicated Centre for Cancer Prevention and treatment, India shared their knowledge about cancer prevention and treatment.

`பொருளாதார நெருக்கடியின் பாலினப்பரிமானங்கள்’

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`பொருளாதார நெருக்கடியின் பாலினப்பரிமானங்கள் `என்னும் தலைப்பில்   தமிழ் மொழியில் உரையாடல் ஒன்று 14ம் திகதி மார்கழி 2022  பெற்றது. இதில் செல்வி உதயனி நவரட்ணம், கலாநிதி அகிலன் கதிர்காமர், கலாநிநி லோகா பிரதீபன் ஆகியோர் வளவாளர்களாக கலந்து கொண்டனர்.  பால்நிலை ஒப்புரவு மற்றும் சமத்துவத்துக்கான மையத்தின் , கல்வி மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சிக்கான உப குழுவானது மாதந்தோறும் நடாத்தும்  `பால்நிலை` பற்றிய கருத்தரங்கின் இரண்டாவது அமர்வாக இது நடைபெற்றது. சுமார் 65 பேர் இந்நிகழ்வில் பங்குபற்றினார்கள்.



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An awareness dialogue on reproductive well-being was held on December 21, 2022, at the Library Auditorium from 2 PM to 4 PM. Dr. Guruparan, a certified specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, served as the resource person for the workshop. The dialogue addressed crucial topics, including pre-conceptional care, antenatal care, menstrual health, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections. A total of 91 students and staff members participated in this informative session, enhancing their understanding of reproductive health.

1st Research Symposium on Gender Equity and Equality (RSGEE)2022

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The first research symposium on gender equity and equality (RSGEE-2022)  was organised by the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE), university of Jaffna in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) on 28th of October 2022. This symposium was organised under the sphere of the Jaffna University international research conference (JUICe 2022) on the theme ‘sustainable development through gender equity and equality. The first lady Maithree Wickramasinghe , the Chair and Senior Professor of English at the Department of English University of Kelaniya and the founding Director of the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and the  Visiting Professor at the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER), University of Sussex, United Kingdom, addressed  a key note on the theme “Sustainable Development through Gender Equity and Equality in the New Normal – An Ontological Perspective”. Senior Professor G.Migunthan introduced the remarks about the key note speaker.

A panel discussion was apprehended on the topic of ‘Gender and politics’, Prof Surenthirakumaran Dean, Faculty of Medicine contributed as the moderator of the panel discussion. Dr. Pavithra Jeyawardena, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Dr. Sivagnanam Jeyasankar, Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts and Culture, Eastern University, Mrs. Rubawathy Ketheeswaran, District Secretary, District Secretariat, Kilinochchi, Mr. Jude Walton, Project Manager, United Nations Development Programme, Mr. Nadarajah Sukirtharaj, Coordinator, JSAC were the panellists of this discussion.  A Drama “tUtP…Nuh!!!” staged by the Department of Fine Arts, and a welcome dance performed by the department of dance, Faculty of Sir Pon Ramanathan Performing and Visual Arts, University of Jaffna.

There were two invited speeches articulated at the two tracks in the evening session. “Higher education attainment and low labour force participation of Sri Lankan women: Addressing the paradox in gender equality and equitywas articulated by Dr. Kumudika Boyagoda Department of Demography, Faculty of Art, University of Colombo. “Women and Unpaid Labour” was delivered by Prof. Pavithra Kailasapathy Department of Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. Track A was chaired by Ms.S.Thushani, Former working committee chairman and the head of the Department of Law, and Ms.N.Uthayani Women development officer, Kilinochchi District and the external member of CGEE.  At the Track A, eight research papers were presented in Tamil language. Track B was chaired by Prof.G.Kajapathy , the former research and education committee chairperson, and Prof. Rathyrani Yogendrarajah, Head, Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Management Studies. 10 research papers were presented in English language in the Track B. United Nations Development Programme and the Jaffna Social Action centre facilitated for financial assistance and logistic arrangements. Academic, non-academic, and academic support staff, CGEE’s present members, former members, council members, staff of UNDP, JSAC, OFERR Ceylon, Women counsellors, women development officers, local governance authorities, students participated in this symposium.

CGEE in collaboration with Active citizen Project -Formation of the child protection club

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Working with students, teachers, and parents of J/Navatkuli Maha Vidyalayam  has created a great impact which finally brings all the stakeholders of the project by creating a ‘CHILD PROTECTION CLUB” with the stakeholders as members: Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna, Grama Servaga of Navatkuli, Women Development officer, Child protection officer, lawyer of the area, the Police officer (Chavakachcheri) , Medical officer (MOH Chavakachcheri), Public Health Inspector, a representative from active citizens, school principal, the teacher in charge, student representative and  Old student of the school.


CGEE in collaboration with Steps Towards Change: formation of a child Protection club

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Formation of a child Protection club

Working with students, teachers and parents of J/Navatkuli Maha Vidyalayam  has created a great impact which finally bring all the stake holders of the project by creating a ‘CHILD PROTECTION CLUB” with the stake holders as members: Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, University of Jaffna, Grama Servaga of Navatkuli, Women Development officer, Child protection officer, lawyer of the area, Police officer (Chavakachcheri) , Medical officer (MOH Chavakachcheri), Public Health Inspector, representative from active citizens, school principal, teacher in charge, student representative and  Old student of the school.