The awareness program of Sexual and Gender-based violence (SGBV) and drug abuse was
organised by the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE), University of Jaffna, in
collaboration with the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) at the Conference Hall
of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, on 27th of March 2023. There were 12 teachers
and 37 students from 13 schools in the Jaffna education zone participated in the awareness
The program was conducted as two sessions from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm. In session I, from 9.00 am
to 12.00 pm, awareness of drug abuse was explained to the audience through role plays and lecture
sessions based on the module. Mrs. Luxmi Kamalarupan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Jaffna, and Dr. Thayalini Thiyakaraja, Director,
Centre for Holistic Healing, Jaffna, participated as the resource persons. During session II, from
12.30 pm to 3.30 pm, awareness about SGBV was carried out as interactive sessions with small
group activities according to the module. Dr. (Mrs.) D. Sangarathas, Senior Lecturer, Department
of Marketing, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, and Mrs. T.
Thanushan, Lecturer, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management
Studies and Commerce, University of Jaffna, enrolled as the resource person for this session.
Overall, the awareness program was appreciated by most of the participants. Particularly, students
participated with more enthusiasm in role-play and small group activities. Students said they
understood the danger of drug usage and SGBV and further stated that it was fruitful. Most of the
teachers commented that these kinds of programs need to be continuously organised at the school
level, and they agreed to support the implementation of phase II of this program at their schools.