•   Sabaananth, S. (2022). COMBINED EFFECTS OF YOGIC PRACTICES AND RUNNING ON CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE AMONG UNIVERSITY LEVEL BHARATANATYAM DANCERS. 3rd International Research Conference on Siddha Medicine -2022- University of Jaffna.pp 53.


  • Ketheeswaran.K. (2022). Effect of Yoga Practice, Breathing Exercise, and  Sun Salutation on Body Mass Index for Sports Science Higher Diploma University of Jaffna Students. Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Siddha Medicine (IRCSM-2022). ISBN- 978-624- 6150-01-93. pp.56.
  • Sabaananth.S.(2022). Combined Effect of Yogic Practices and Running on CardioVascular Endurance Among University Level Bharathanatyam Dancers.  Proceedings of the International Research Conference on Siddha Medicine (IRCSM-2022). ISBN- 978-624- 6150-01-93. pp.53.


  • Bhavani, A. (2020). “Effect of Yoga Practice on pulse rate and blood pressure. Proceedings of 2nd International Research Conference &Exhibition on Siddha Medicine2020 (IRCESM 2020) of University of Jaffna. Pp.120. ISBN: 978-955-0585-37-3.
  • Sabaananth, S.(2020). Effect of Selected Asanas and Lunges Exercise on Hip Flexibility Among Bharathanatyam Dancers. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Siddha Medicine (IRCESM 2020) of University of Jaffna. PP.115. ISBN: 978-955-0585-37-3.


  • Akeepan.S., kaviraj, P., Sabaananth, S. (2019). Effect of Small-Sided Games training on Speed Endurance of Football Players. Proceedings of the International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Nutrition for Enhancing Health, Fitness and Sports Performance. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. India. PP.317-320. ISBN. 978-81-937479-1-9.
  • Akeepan.S., Sutharsingh, J., Sabaananth, S. (2019). Effect of SAQ (Speed Agility Quickness) Training on Speed of Football Players. Proceedings of the International Conference on Exercise Physiology and Nutrition for Enhancing Health, Fitness and Sports Performance. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. India. PP.314-317. ISBN. 978-81-937479-1-9.
  • Sabaananth, S. (2019). Resting Heart Rate and VO2 max Between Artist and Athletes. Conference proceedings of the International Congress on Renaissance in Sports conducted by National College, Trichy, India. ISBN- 2320-5202 PP. 119-122
  • Akeepan.S., Sabaananth, S., kaviraj, P. (2019). Effect of skill-based high and low-intensity training on the physiological response of football players. Conference proceedings of the International Congress on Renaissance in Sports conducted by National College, Trichy, India. ISBN- 2320-5202 PP. 115-118.
  • TADN Gnanarathna., Jeganenthiran, S., and Sabaananth, (2019). Effect of fundamental motor skills on physical literacy of Sri Lankan grade 4-6 children (Special reference: physical literacy model) Proceedings of 12th International Research Conference on Challenges to Humankind in the face of new technologies of the Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Sri Lanka. P.216.


  • Bhavani, A. (2018). The influence of varied yogic practices improves the self–confidence performance of obese teenage students. Proceedings of the Alagappa University, International Conference on Sports Vision and Mission for Grooming Athletes and Para Athletes for Olympics-2020 (ICSVMAPO 2020). Organized by the Alagappa University, India on 16th & 17th March 2018. Pp.182.


  • Kuganesan, S., Bhavani. A (2017). Relationship between the Anthropometrics and physical fitness variables among somatotype of school children” proceedings of the University of Sabaragamuwa. 6th International Conference organized by centre for research & knowledge Dissemination on 3 -5 May 2017. Pp145.
  • Kuganesan,S., Bhavani. A (2017). The relationship of Academic performance and Health-related Physical Fitness”.Proceedings of National Conference on indigenous Medicine (NRCEIM 2017) of University of Jaffna. Pp.78. ISBN: 978-955-0585-13-7.
  • Bhavani, A. (2017). Physical Activity and yoga: Towards Healthy Life Span. Proceedings of National Conference on indigenous Medicine (NRCEIM 2017) of University of Jaffna. Pp.34. ISBN: 978-955-0585-13-7.( Published Abstract on Key Note Address in Proceeding)
  • Somarathna, RDAM., Jeganenthiran,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Assessment and Reconstruction of AAHPER Test for Sri Lankan Youth Aged 10-17. International Research Conference Proceedings of the Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Sri Lanka. Pp.51. ISBN. 978-955-0301-35-5. (3rd August 2017).
  • Akeepan,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Effect of eight weeks traditional high and moderate-intensity aerobic training on vo2 max among men soccer players. Conference proceedings of the role of women’s participation in sports for women empowerment. Sri padmavathi Mahila Visva- Vidyalayam, Tirupati, India. Women University. Pp. 19-20. ISBN. 978-93-80528-26-7.
  • Akeepan,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Comparison of speed endurance between rural and urban adolescent soccer players. Conference Proceedings of the Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Maruthi College of Physical Education, Tamil Nadu, India. On Road map to 2020 Olympics. Pp. 5-7. ISBN; 978-81-923573-4-8.
  • Akeepan,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Effect of Intensity Control Aerobic Dance on Cardiac Function. Conference proceedings of national College, Tamil Nadu, India. International Congress on RENAISSANCE IN SPORTS, strategies, challenges, and choices. Pp. 686-688. ISBN: 978-81-908942-0-3.
  • Akeepan,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Effect of Soccer Specific High and Low-Intensity Aerobic Training on Cardiorespiratory Endurance. Proceedings of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University international conference. Pp. 364-67.
  • Somarathnaa, R. D. A. M., S. Jeganenthirana and Sabaananth,S. (2017). Suitability of AAHPER Fitness Test as a Tool to Measure Physical Fitness of Youth Aged 10 – 17 in Sri Lanka. 7th Annual Research Session of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,13th December 2017, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya. [p-44].
  • Somarathna, RDAM., Jeganenthiran,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Assessment and Reconstruction of AAHPER Test for Sri Lankan Youth Aged 10-17. International Research Conference Proceedings of the Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Sri Lanka. Pp.51. ISBN. 978-955-0301-35-5. (3rd August 2017).
  • Gnanarathna, TADN., Jeganenthiran,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Designing a Physical Literacy Model for Sri Lankan Children grade 4 to 6 (6 to 12 years). International Research Conference Proceedings of the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. Pp.52. ISBN. 978-955-0301-35-5. (3rd August 2017).
  • Akeepan,S., Sabaananth,S. (2017). Effect of Different Dance Training on Forced Expiratory Volume Among Post-Pubescent Girls. Gulbarga University, Conference proceedings of the International conference on Physical Education, Yoga, and sports science (ICPEYSS) 2017. Karnataka, India. Pp.43. ISSN; 2231-3265.
  • Sabaananth, S., Thirunanthan, T. (2017). Comparison of VO2 Max among, Aerobic, Bharathanatyam, and Kandyan Dancers. Proceedings of National Conference on indigenous Medicine (NRCEIM 2017) of University of Jaffna. PP.78. ISBN: 978-955-0585-13-7.


  • Bhavani, A. (2016). Yoga as a Tool for Life. Proceedings of the University of Jaffna International Research Conference. (JUICE 2016) on ‘Towards a Greener future. ’ organized by the University of Jaffna, Srilanka on 12th& 13th August, 2016. Pp.381-384. (ISBN No:978-955-0585-11-3).
  • Sabaananth, S.,Thirunanthan, T. (2016). Effect of Intensity Control Bharathanatyam Dance Training on Pulmonary Function. Proceedings of University of Ruhuna, 3rd International Science and Technology Conference (RiSTCON 2016). Pp28.


  • Sabaananth, S., Thirunanthan, T. (2015). The consequence of Intensity Controlled Aerobic Dance on Pulmonary Function. International Conference on Prospective approaches and Applications of Yoga and Physical Activity for Better Life. Proceedings of all saint’s College Trivandrum, Kerela, India. Pp1-3.ISBN:978-81-910811-4-5.
  • Sabaananth, S.(2015). Effect of Combined Aerobic and Anaerobic Training on Cardiorespiratory Endurance. International Sports Science Students Conference (ISSSC-2015). Proceedings of the University of Malaya. Leading Edge in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice in Sports Science. Pp21. E-ISBN:978-1518814730.
  • Sabaananth,S., Thirunanthan, T. (2015). Comparison of Physiological Parameters between Amateur and Professional Bharathanatyam Dancers. International Conference on Postcolonial Societies in Transition (ICPST 2015). Proceedings of University of Ruhuna 2015. Sri Lanka’s Postcolonial Legacy 1815-2015. Pp 138.



  • Ketheeswaran, K. (2014). Assessment of AAHPER Youth Fitness Norms: Sri Lankan (east province). Annual Research Symposium Proceedings of National Centre for Advanced Studies, Sri Lanka. Pp. 327-332.
  • Ketheeswaran, K. (2014). Assessment of AAHPER Youth Fitness Norms: Sri Lankan (Sabaragamuwa Province) Adolescents Boys. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association.Pp.59.
  • Sabaananth, S., Gopinath,V., Thevanthy,T,. (2014). Effect of Different Dance Training on Vital Capacity among Post-Pubescent Girls. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches proceedings of University of University of Sri Jayewardenepura 2014. Harnessing Knowledge and Harmonizing Diversities. Pp 63
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V., Thevanthy,T,. (2014). Comparative Effect of Aerobic, Bharathanatyam and Kandyan Dance on Pulmonary Function. Proceedings of HETC Symposium 2014. National Development Through Research and Innovation pp. 83.
  • Sabaananth,S. (2014). Effect of Twelve Weeks Dance Training on Cardiorespiratory Endurance among post-Pubescentgirls. International conference (iPURSE) proceedings of University of Peradaniya, Sri Lanka. Pp 372.
  • Sabaananth,S., Thevanty.T., (2014). Effect of Intensity Controlled Dance Training on VO2 max among Aerobic, Bharathanatyam and Kandyan dancers. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1):


  • Ketheeswaran,K., Gopinath,V. (2013). Assessment of AAHPER Youth Fitness Norms: Sri Lankan (West Province) Adolescents Boys. Conference Proceedings of Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Maruthi College of Physical Education, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.73.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2013). Comparative Effect of Asanas, Pranayama and Asanas, Meditation on selected Physiological and Hematological variables among Obese Girls. Conference Proceedings of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College Tiruchirapalli, Tamil nadu. India. Pp 154-157.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2013) “Cardiac Function: between Aerobic and Bharathanatyam Dancers. ” Conference Proceedings of Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Maruthi College of Physical Education, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.132-134.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2013) “Comparison of Vo2 Max Among Aerobic, Bharathanatyam and Kandyan Dancers” Conference Proceedings of Arul Anandar College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp 135-138.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2013). Comparative Effect of Aerobic, Bharathanatyam and Kandyan Dance on VO2 Conference Proceedings of University of Malaya, Malaysia. Folder (3).
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2013). Comparative Effect of Asanas, Pranayama and Asanas, Meditation on selected Physiological and Hematological variables among Obese Girls. Conference Proceedings of Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College Tiruchirapalli, Tamil nadu. India. Pp 154.


  • Ketheeswaran,K., Gopinath,V. (2012). Assessment of AAHPER Youth Fitness Norms: Sri Lankan (South Province) Adolescents Boys.  Conference Proceedings of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women University Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.158.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2012) “Resting heart rate and blood pressure: between women aerobic and bharathanatyam dancers.” Conference Proceedings of Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp28-30.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2012) “Comparative Effect of Different Dance on Selected Strength Variables Among Post Pubescent Girls”. Conference Proceedings of Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp134-137.
  • Sabaananth,S., Gopinath,V.,(2012) “Comparison of Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure between Professional and Amateur Women Bharathanatyam Dancers”, Conference Proceedings of Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp50-52.
  • Sabaananth, S., & Gopinath, V. (2012). Effect of Varied Packages of Yogic Practices on Selected Physiological and Hematological Variables among Obese Girls: Proceedings of Tamil nadu Physical Education and Sports University international conference.324



  • Ketheeswaran,K., Gopinath,V. (2011). Status of Education Awareness for Visually Impaired Students.  Conference Proceedings of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Coimbatore-641020, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.74.
  • Ketheeswaran,K., Gopinath,V. (2011). Comparison of selected pulmonary variables among the altitude coastal and plain area school boys of Sri Lanka.  Conference Proceedings of Virudhunager Hindu Nadars Senthikumara Nadar College, Virudhunager -626001, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.231.


  • Bhavani, A. (2010). Analysis of health related physical fitness of Women basketball and volleyball players, organizedby the department of physical Education, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India on 9th and 10th April 2010. Pp.40.
  • Bhavani, A. (2010). Critical analysis to assess VO2max.Proceeding of the International Conference on modern trends in Sports |technology, Management & Allied Sciences organized by the Association of sports technology management & Allied Sciences & School of physical Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India on 08th& 09th Pp.36.
  • Bhavani, A., Gopinath, V. (2010). Biomechanical application of netball shooting.Proceeding of the Seventh All India conference of Scott Research Forum (SRF-A multi-disciplinary researcher’s forum) Proceedings, published by Scott research forum, India on 13th March, 2010. Vol II, Pp. 225 –229.
  • Sabaananth, S. (2010) “Comparative Effect of Dynamic Stretching Exercise and Static Stretching Exercise towards flexibility among college women students”. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1):
  • Sabaananth, S. (2010) “Relative effect of continuous running and interval training on physical performance. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): pp 36.
  • Sabaananth, S. (2010) “Comparison of Core exercise and Stretching Exercise towards Abdominal Strength and Flexibility among Male athletes. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 17(1): pp 34.


  • Bhavani, A. (2009). Comparison of hemoglobin concentration among Yoga, Sports and Normal Persons. Proceeding of the National Conference on Modern trends in Yoga and Naturopathy organized by the Indian Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy, Coimbatore, India on 11th October 2009. Pp.13.
  • Bhavani, A. (2009). Effect of Pranayama on selected Physiological Parameters.Proceeding of the National seminar on Modern multidimensional Approaches for Excellence in Sports organized by the Department of Physical Education and health Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India on 25th September 2009. Pp.38.
  • Bhavani, A. (2009). The Contribution of Sports psychology to the game of netball. Proceeding of the U.G.C Sponsored National level seminar on Challenges in promoting fitness and sports competition for different levels of achievements organized by the Department of physical Education and sports sciences, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India on 20th and 21st march, 2009. Pp.11.
  • Bhavani, A. (2009). Postnatal Fitness. Proceeding of the International conference on emerging trends in fitness for longevity and education for empowerment –(INCOFLEE -09) organized by the School of Education and School of Physical Education, Alagappa University, karaikudi, India on 5th & 6th March, 2009. Pp.28.
  • Bhavani, A., Gopinath. V. (2009). Comparison of the health related physical fitness among school boys. Proceeding of the Fifth all India conference of KAAS(Kanyakumari Academy of Arts & Sciences a multi-disciplinary researchers’ Forum) Proceedings,published by KAAS research forum, India 5th & 6th December, 2009. Vol-II, Pp. 01 –05. (ISBN- N0- 978-81-909710-0-3).
  • Sabaananth,S. (2009). Comparison of Bharathanatyam and Asanas towards Flexibility among College Female Students. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Sessions of the Jaffna Science Association. 16(1): pp 57.


  • Bhavani, A. (2008). Invention of new advance technology to influence the accuracy measurement of body composition. Proceeding of the International Conference ‘Recent trends in sports technology’ jointly organized by the Vellore institute of technology, Vellore, India and Tamil Nadu physical education and sports University, Chennai, India held at VIT  University on 4th and 5th December,2008. Pp.15.
  • Bhavani,A. (2008). Analysis of physical fitness of various level Sri Lankan Cricketers. Proceeding of the International Conference and Exhibition on ‘sports technology’ jointly organized by the Vellore institute of technology, Vellore, India and Tamil Nadu physical education and sports University, Chennai, India held at VIT university on 26th and 27th march,2008. Pp.80.
  • Bhavani. A. (2008). Analysis of Speed and agility of University, national and International level Sri Lankan Cricketers. Proceeding of the national seminar on Professional and scientific approaches in physical education and sports sciences organized by the Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India on 12th march, 2008. Pp.26.
  • Bhavani, A. (2008). Hypertension and Exercise. Proceeding of the First International conference of KAAS(Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts & Sciences a multi-disciplinary researchers’ Forum)organized by the Kanniyakumari Academy of arts and Sciences(KAAS)at Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil, India on 5th & 6th December 2008. Vol III, Pp. 5 –8.
  • Bhavani. A., Gopinath. V.(2008). Comparative analysis of body composition between Indian and Sri Lankan College Girls. Proceeding of the First International conference of Scott Research Forum (SRF- A multi-disciplinary researcher’s forum)organized by the Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, India on 19th April, 2008. Part III, Pp. 36 – 38.
  • Ketheeswaran, K.(2008). Strength Training for Fitness. Conference Proceedings of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai Tamil Nadu. India. Pp.32.
  • Sabaananth, S.(2008) Effect of Core Training and Yogasanas on The Abdominal Strength and Flexibility of Bharatanatyam Dancers” Proceedings of Tamil nadu Physical Education and Sports University International Conference . pp 38.


  • Ketheeswaran,K.(2007). Yoga and Sports.  Conference Proceedings of Alagappa University, Kariikudi-630004, Tamil Nadu, India. Pp.76.